Partner with us!
Good Natured Learning partners with schools to accelerate achievement of your strategic priorities through “🍎-a-day” doses of nature’s benefits integrated into your schools’ teaching and learning.
Unlock nature’s benefits for your students, educators, & school!
🌿 Increase mental and physical wellness
🌿 Improve academic performance
🌿 Enhance social emotional & 21st Century skills
🌿 Create more equitable learning experiences
🌿 Cultivate a sense of agency to take action for the planet
Partnerships At-a-Glance
Fellowship: 2+ of your educators join us for an immersive, year-long professional development experience. They develop as “in house” teacher-leaders to implement, innovate, spread, and sustain 🍎-a-day nature in your school.
Systems & Spaces Consulting: We collaborate with you on the design and adaptation of on-the-ground school systems and spaces to support learning outdoors.
Community Engagement: We set up school leaders and Fellows to activate the many humans in the broader school “ecosystem” – families, neighbors, alumni, boards, and more – to understand and support nature-based learning in your school.