Good Natured Learning
Why We Exist
Humans need daily, accessible, and relevant nature connections.​
We recognize the potential for human-nature connections to make things better for educators, students, and our planet. Good Natured Learning exists to make these connections part of the very fabric of formal teaching and learning in schools.
Our Mission
Good Natured Learning builds educators’ capacity to implement nature-based learning instructional and classroom-design practices in school, activates nature near schools for learning, and grows the broader nature-connected learning movement.
We approach all our work with these most deeply held principles.
Nature-based learning is for EVERYONE.
Nature-based learning is for EVERY teacher, EVERY student, EVERY school, EVERYwhere. It just looks different depending on with whom and where it is happening.
Teachers are experts.
We trust teachers. We know that they know their students, their curriculum, their context, and their community. From this starting point, we empower teachers with universal principles and practices to create nature connections that are relevant and customized to their local realities.
Change happens when individuals take a next right step.
Once you take a first right step, you can take another, and the next, and the next. Together, we can change education one step at a time.
Our work must be a lift not a burden.
We believe in joy. We design our work to buoy teachers rather than saddling them with one more thing.
Our Vision
Students, teachers, and the planet flourish with nature connections cultivated in schools everywhere.
Nature-based learning is for EVERY teacher, EVERY student, EVERY school, EVERYwhere.
We currently operate in the US and Kenya
So far, in Colorado and Nairobi.
Universal & Local
The universality of human-nature connections and the opportunity for a single customizable, low-cost, immediate, proven, and scalable solution to benefit students, teachers, and the planet ANYwhere and EVERYwhere, compel us to think globally even while each individual teacher we support innovates locally by leveraging their unique assets and those of their students, school, community, and environment.
Our Impact
From schools in Nairobi’s informal settlements to rural mountain Colorado, the results are stunningly similar and positive: calmer, more self-regulated learners, improved collaboration and creativity, more joyful teachers, and deeper connections to nature.