Good Natured Learning

Activate Nearby Nature
We collaborate with partners so learning can take place outdoors in green spaces accessible from schools by human-powered travel (e.g., walking, rolling, biking, etc.).
We know that being outdoors in nature is good for kids' general wellbeing. Green schoolyards also support mental health. What's more, learning outdoors even improves academic performance.* That is so awesome!
Knowing all of those benefits, we are working on creative, cross-sector partnerships to activate green spaces for teaching & learning. These can be parks, school play yards, open spaces, and public lands - all within walking distance of schools.
We are doing this so: ​
Students regularly learn outdoors, especially in nature near schools
Planners and policy-makers develop more green spaces and outdoor classrooms near schools
Does this resonate with you? Do you work on health equity, equitable access to green spaces, urban/city planning, policy-making, school design, community play yards, education, or any field or sector that you think has something to say about this? If so, we'd love to talk with you. Please click the contact us button below to get connected!
*Big thanks to our friends over at Children & Nature Network for curating such great resources showing the research about benefits of nature for kids!